Illinois 事实
Campus 事实
Important Dates
- 1867 Illinois Industrial University founded
- 1868 Illinois Industrial University opened
- 1885 Renamed the University of Illinois
这所大学位于双城香槟和厄巴纳(总人口207),000) in east-central Illinois. Situated about 140 miles south of Chicago, 125 miles west of Indianapolis, and 180 miles northeast of St. 路易.
Longitude + Latitude of the Quad
40°06'36.88"N 88°13'38.13"W
15 大学 and Instructional 单位
- 农业,消费者和环境科学学院
- College of Applied Health Sciences
- Gies College of Business
- College of Education
- Grainger College of Engineering
- College of Fine and Applied 艺术
- 研究生 College
- School of Labor and 就业 Relations
- College of Law
- College of Liberal 艺术 and Sciences
- School of Information Sciences
- College of Media
- Carle Illinois College of Medicine
- School of Social Work
- College of Veterinary Medicine
Academic Resources
图书馆 Collections
- 24,000,000+ 项目标志着世界上最大的公立大学图书馆之一
- 1,000,000+ Visitors to the online catalog every week
- 20+ Area studies libraries; one of the larger engineering libraries in the country, state-of-the-art agricultural library, 和世界著名的珍本书稿图书馆
Campus 研究
- $731,000,000 2021财年的研发支出.
- $120,000,000+ in National Science Foundation awards
Cultural Centers
Buildings in the University District, 3.6 square miles (2,295 acres)
Total Buildings, 9.9 square miles (6,370 acres)
Museums, Galleries, and Collections
- 4 克兰纳特表演艺术中心的剧院大约有4个座位,每年举办350多场hga010皇冠app苹果和专业表演, as well as commencements, 讲座, and other events, many of them free
- 10,000+ Krannert艺术博物馆的艺术作品和Kinkead Pavilion的永久收藏, 博物馆举办高水平的临时展览和跨学科项目
- 54,000 斯普尔洛克博物馆的全球文化文物
- 75% 约翰·菲利普·索萨的原始音乐手稿, the world's largest collection, 在苏萨档案和美国音乐中心
Sports and Recreation
- 21 NCAA男队(10支)和女队(11支)拥有11个主要设施,包括纪念体育场(60个),670个座位, State Farm Center (15,544个席位), Atkins Tennis Center, Huff Hall (4,152个席位), Illinois Field (1,500 seats for baseball), Eichelberger Field (1,500 seats for softball), Illinois Track and Soccer Stadium, and the Demirjian Golf Practice Facility.
- 470,000 两个新扩建的校园娱乐和健康中心之间的娱乐空间. Includes indoor tracks, leisure pool with slide, climbing wall, basketball and racquetball courts, indoor and outdoor 50-meter pools, and much more; other recreational facilities include an ice arena, outdoor adventures center, inline skating rink, and several play fields
- 300,000 人们参观阿勒顿公园和疗养中心(1),500英亩的国家地标,距校园24英里)
- 16,000 每天到伊利尼联盟的游客都可以入住酒店, banquet facility, 美食广场, 艺术画廊, and bowling/billiards area; Two ball房间s and 24 break-out 房间s are available for conferences, 会议, 和事件
- 24 大学宿舍可容纳8人,550 students, including 10 Living-Learning Communities
- 6,000 本科生住在15个私人认证的住房单元和61个希腊房屋
- 2,000 Single graduate students or students with families living in three University-owned apartment complexes; two residence halls are home for 720 graduate and upper division students
- 1,000+ 注册hga010皇冠app苹果组织、联盟、荣誉社团和团队
- #1 被评为美国最“残疾人友好”的城市之一.S. 校园
- 第一个 首先,为残疾hga010皇冠app苹果提供所有大学服务, 课程, and facilities; developed first architectural accessibility standards; designed & instituted a wheelchair-accessible bus system; first to offer comprehensive wheelchair sports programming
- 第一个 为需要个人助理支持服务的身体残疾hga010皇冠app苹果开发了第一个过渡性生活项目. hga010皇冠app苹果 with physical disabilities who require personal assistant support services have an 87 percent graduation rate; nearly 60 percent obtain employment within a year of graduation, 另有32%的人进入研究生院或专业学校就读
International 项目 and Studies
- 14,144 2022-23学年的国际hga010皇冠app苹果来自130多个国家.
Undergraduate Education
- 34,492 hga010皇冠app苹果 from 48 states
- 7,957 New freshmen enrolled in Fall 2022
- 40,000+ Annual applicants (roughly)
- 5,312 来自87个国家的国际本科生(2022年秋季)
- 5,000+ Courses offered
- 150+ 项目 of study
Student Success
- 95% Of our May 2022 graduates reported being employed or continuing 毕业后6个月内接受的教育
Guaranteed four-year tuition rate
- $17,138 A year for residents entering in Fall 2022
- $35,110 A year for nonresidents
伊利诺伊承诺资助学费的估计费用, 费用, 房间, 董事会, and books for low-income students
研究生 and Professional Education
- 21,702 研究生和专业hga010皇冠app苹果在秋季2022
- $18,512 A year for residents
- $34,106 非居民一年(法律、医学和兽医学分别评估)
教师 (FTE Fall 2022)
- 2,848 成员
- 1,885 Tenure/tenure track
- 963 Specialized and visiting faculty
工作人员 (FTE Fall 2022)
- 5,531 Administrative and academic professional
- 5,170 Civil service staff
- 500,000+ 皇冠2021app下载地址厄巴纳-香槟分校的在世校友是美国最大的大学之一.S. alumni organizations
Campus Administration
招生 & Visitor Information
901 West Illinois Street, Urbana, IL 61801; 217-333-0302, admissions@teddyexports.net
研究生 招生
801 S. Wright Street, Champaign, IL 61820; International/Domestic: 217-244-4637, grad@teddyexports.net
Campus Visits: Office of 招生
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